Sunday, December 19, 2010

What a crazy few weeks

This period in life has been quite crazy. We have gone through the worst of times and the best of times and have chosen to continue to be faithful in both.

In early November, we got a phone call that we wish never came and has caused our thoughts to be fixed on those most dear to us. Our dear, dear frien
d and brother Jeremy King died suddenly of a massive heart attack while goi
ng out to his tree stand during bow hunting season. It's an event we never imagined possible. We packed our clothes, stayed up all night, drove to Michigan and stayed a week surrounded by family and friends. He was 31 years old, a husband, father of 2 and has a baby coming in February. Actually, baby Carter is due to come 1 week after the birth of our second child. We have many moments in life that we've celebrated with Jeremy and his wife Veronica. We feel the loss and pain so deep that it's hard to express sometimes. Veronica is on our minds all day and we pray for her often and try to let her know we love her as best we know how. I can't imagine how she is truly doing on the inside, but I do know she is strong, courageous, and doing the best she can while living out her worst nightma
re. I also know that without her faith in God, her love for her kids and Jeremy, and her strong support system, she wouldn't be doing as well as she is, which is the best she can right n
ow. We are proud of her. We love her. We grieve and mourn with her. We miss Jer. A lot.

After that numbing week in Michigan, several tragic and swift deaths occurred with people we know and love. We're ready for this season of grief to pass.

We spent Thanksgiving this year with Chris' family in the south suburbs of Chicago. There are so many of us these days that someone lent us their house for the celebration. It turned out to be very nice and everyone had time to prepare, eat, and relax. We played an intense game of catch phrase and laughed a lot. It was very fun.

Then we moved quickly into December. Our little g
uy turned 1 on December 10th!!!! We planned a big party with all our immediate family and had him dig into his birthday cake :) He loved every minute of it and devoured every crumb of that cupcake. Chris spent the day baking his birthday cake. It was something that he really looked forward to and it was a special memory to have from his first birthday.

Now it's on to Christmas. We spent several attempts trying to get pictures of sweet William to share with family and although they are not professional quality....they work quite well. Here is a sample to leave you with :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rolling, rolling, rolling :)

Wow. Haven't updated this in quite a while. What, did I have a baby or something? Well, schools out, the sun is shining, the pool is begging for my attention, and my son is growing up faster than I could have imagined. Here is an update of the past 6 mths....

William Christopher Shields 1 day old.

WCS 1 month old

WCS 2 months old and ready to hunt!!!

WCS 4 months old celebrating Easter Sunday

WCS 5 months old, loves his pilot bear

Getting his 6 month pictures soon. Will update when they come. What pure joy it has been exploring parenthood with one of the most amazing partners a girl could ask for. A friend of mine said one of the best things in life is watching your husband be a daddy...I couldn't agree more. I'm so proud of my husband and my little boy. My cup runneth over.